[132nd Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 127
  • 게시일 : 2018-10-18 10:10:45

October 17, 2018. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting

"It is meaningful that it was the very first participation of UNC in discussion of demilitarization of JSA“



 Party Chairperson Lee Hae-Chan


At the inter-Korea high-level talks yesterday, we heard the news that the ceremony for linking the inter-Korean railway and road was agreed to start toward the end of November or in early December. In order to demilitarize the Joint Security Area of Panmunjeom, the three-party consultation with the two Koreas and the UNC has been in operation for the first time and the future consultation is being implemented well. It is meaningful that this is the first time the United Nations Command took part. I hope that the two Koreas and the United Nations Command will discuss this well together.

Moon Hee-sang, Chairman of the National Assembly, is attending the IPU and has met Rhee Jong-hyuk, the head of Korean Institute for National Unification. I hope there will be good results as there has been a discussion on exchanges and cooperation in between the National Assemblies of two Koreas. Even when we went to Pyongyang last time, we talked about having talks in between the National Assemblies of two Koreas, and the Chief Rhee Jong-hyuk came to the south many times and I know him well. I would like to see good results in terms of the Inter-Korean Parliamentary Talks as there has been discussion with Chairman Moon Hee-sang.


"유엔사, JSA 비무장화 논의 첫 참여 의미있어"



 이해찬 당대표


어제 남북고위급 회담에서 남북 철도 , 도로 연결 착공식을 11 월 말 , 12 월 초에 하기로 합의했다는 소식을 접했다 . 판문점 공동경비구역 비무장화를 위해서는 남북과 유엔사가 함께 하는 3 자 협의체가 처음 가동 되었고 향후 협의를 잘 하고 있다고 생각한다 . 이번에 유엔군 사령부가 처음으로 참여한 것은 의미가 있다 . , , 유엔 군사령부가 함께 잘 논의하기를 기대하겠다 .


문희상 국회의장께서 IPU 에 참석하고 있는데 이종혁 조국통일연구원장과 만났다고 한다 . 남북 국회간 교류 협력에 관한 논의가 있었다고 하는데 좋은 결과가 나오기를 기대한다 . 지난번 평양에 갔을 때도 남북 국회회담 얘기가 있었는데 , 이종혁 위원장은 남쪽을 여러 번 왔고 잘 아는 분이다 . 문희상 의장과 논의가 있었다고 하니 남북 국회회담 부분에 좋은 결과가 나오기를 기대하겠다



더불어민주당 국제국