[134th Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 125
  • 게시일 : 2018-10-30 09:58:46

October 29, 2018. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting

“Confirming the monopoly of jurisdiction is deplorable... it is at the stage of discussing the formation of special justice department”



□ Party Chairperson Lee Hae-Chan


  Two years ago, a candlelight vigil began today. It was a cry of an indulgent citizen which was truly unforgettable in the history of democratization in Korea. I participated many times, but I think it is the first time that the meeting was in good order and desperate.


A new government was born thanks to the candlelight revolution. It is no exaggeration to say that the Moon Jae-In Administration was born by the candlelight revolution. There were many demands by the candle revolution. It is no exaggeration to say that they have had a bad and bitter experience of seeing how serious the situation of monopoly of national affairs was, and the elimination of the deep-rooted evild, economic democratization, and such demands of two Presidents, Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-Bak.


Not only the former president's imprisonment, but also the monopoly of jurisdiction is being confirmed as well. We are now confirming that monopoly of jurisdiction and plea bargaining have been carried out so far that the Supreme Council Member Park Jae-min initiated the bill and demanded that a special justice department be created. I really can not help but deplore how it got so far. The courts have never been self-innovating, and it seems that such jurisdiction has been done and exposed to the public for the first time. I did think that there would be such monopoly, but I did not expect it to be so bad, but it was the first time that I was exposed and gave big disappointment to the people. Luckily, the four parties agreed to establish special justice department, which was the stage to discuss the formation. Please do not just oppose for the opposition of Liberty Korea Party, but ask for an earnest request for cooperation to make sure that the role of the division of the three judicial branches is done properly.





 "사법농단 확인에 통탄특별재판부 구성 논의할 단계"


 이해찬 대표


2 년 전 오늘 촛불 집회가 시작되었다 . 우리나라 민주화 역사에서 정말로 잊을 수 없는 감격스러운 시민들의 외침이었다 . 저도 여러 차례 참여 했는데 질서 정연하고 간절하게 소리를 외쳤던 집회는 처음 인 것 같다 .


촛불 혁명에 의해 새로운 정부가 탄생 했다 . 문재인 정부는 촛불 혁명에 의해 탄생한 정부라 해도 과언이 아니다 . 촛불 혁명으로 요구들이 많았다 . 적폐 청산 , 경제 민주화 , 이런 요구가 많았고 결국 끝내는 박근혜 , 이명박 두 대통령이 구속되는 사태까지 이르렀고 , 국정농단의 상황이 얼마나 심각했는지 확인할 수 있는 나쁜 , 쓰라린 경험을 가졌다고 해도 과언이 아니다 .


비단 전직 대통령의 구속만이 아니고 사법부의 농단까지도 많이 확인되고 있다 . 박주민 최고위원께서 법안을 발의했는데 특별재판부를 만들어야 한다는 요구까지 나올 정도로 사법 농단 , 사법 거래가 이뤄졌다는 것을 우리가 지금 확인하고 있다 . 정말로 어쩌다 이렇게 까지 되었는지 통탄을 금할 수 없다 . 법원이 그동안 한 번도 자기 혁신을 안 해왔는데 그러다 보니 이런 농단이 이뤄졌고 처음으로 국민 앞에 노출 된 것 같다 . 그런 농단이 있을 것이라 생각은 했지만 이렇게 적나라할 거라고는 예상은 안했는데 처음으로 노출 돼 국민에게 큰 실망과 충격을 줬다 . 다행히 특별재판부를 설치하자는데 4 당이 합의해 구성을 논의할 단계가 됐다 . 아무쪼록 자유한국당도 반대를 위한 반대만 하지 말고 사법부 3 권 분립의 역할을 제대로 할 수 있도록 협조해 주기를 간곡하게 부탁드린다




더불어민주당 국제국