[267th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 273rd Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 131
  • 게시일 : 2020-07-27 10:23:39

[Excerpt from the 273rd Supreme Council Meeting]


“Korea’s GDP shrank 3.3 percent in the second half of this year, not bad performance amid the pandemic sweeping through the country.”


July 24, 2020 (Fri.)

Venue: Conference Room of the Chairman at the Main Building

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


The Bank of Korea yesterday released Korea’s real GDP data for the second quarter of 2020. Korea’s economy declined 3.3 percent in the April-June quarter, as expected on the back of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Thanks to efforts made by the government and individuals, the nation’s private consumption rose 1.4 percent and government spending 1 percent, respectively. On the other hand, however, exports suffered a whopping 16.6 percent decrease in the wake of the pandemic, which as a result pulled the second quarter growth into negative territory. The OECD forecast that G20 economies will, on average, decline 5.7 percent this year, including the economy of the U.S. falling 7.3 percent. Compared to these numbers, it is safe to say that Korea’s economy performed relatively well. Making efforts to overcome the pandemic is of great significance. It is equally important to put great efforts into minimizing negative impacts the ongoing health crisis will have on the economy. The second quarter GDP rate seems to be evidence that the Korean government’s efforts paid off in that the economies of other members of the OECD were much less satisfactory. Even so, many in Korea, especially small business owners, are suffering heavily as a result of the spread of the coronavirus. Yesterday I met a group of small business owners over dinner who complained of difficulties caused by subdued investor sentiment. Investors seem to fear of economic uncertainty, which makes them less likely to invest. Therefore, the ruling DPK needs to pay a special attention to measures that will increase economic certainty and in turn encourage investor sentiment.



“GDP 3.3% 역성장, 코로나 속 그나마 선방


일시 : 2020724() 오전 930

장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실

이해찬 당대표


어제 한국은행이 2/4분기 실질GDP 성장률을 발표했다. 코로나 국난 상황에서 예상한대로 3.3%의 역성장을 했다. 정부와 국민의 노력으로 민간소비는 1.4% 정도 올랐고, 정부 소비는 1% 순 성장을 했는데 코로나로 인해서 수출이 16.6%나 감소했기 때문에 결과적으로는 마이너스 성장을 할 수밖에 없었다. OECD는 올해 미국이 7.3% G20 국가들의 평균성장이 5.7%. 그에 비하면 우리는 굉장히 선방했다고 볼 수 있다. 방역도 중요하지만 경제의 어려움을 같이 극복하는 우리 정부의 노력이 다른 나라 비해선 그나마 선방한 결과라 생각되지만 그러나 이 결과로 인해서 국민들이 겪는 경제적인 어려움, 특히 중소상공인들이 겪는 어려움이 굉장히 크다. 어제도 중소상공인 분들과 저녁을 했는데 얘기를 들어보면 전망이 확실치 않기 때문에 투자에 대한 의욕이라든가 이런 것들을 두려워하는 분위기가 있어서 그런 심리적인 분위기를 끌어 올릴 수 있는 당의 노력이 각별히 있어야 할 것 같다.




더불어민주당 국제국