[257th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 256th Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 128
  • 게시일 : 2020-06-22 09:26:37

[Excerpt from the 256th Supreme Council Meeting]


“It is hoped that the Korean Peninsula will eventually move toward reconciliation and cooperation.”


June 15, 2020 (Mon.)

Venue: Conference Room of the Chairman at the Main Building

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


Today marks the 20th anniversary of thehistoric June 15Inter-KoreanJoint Declaration. The inter-Korean declaration served to open a new era of reconciliation and cooperation that would bring about peace and prosperity to the Korean Peninsula, the world’s last frontier of the Cold War characterized by confrontation and conflict. In this sense, the declaration has greater significance in the history of Korea as well as of the world. The spirit of peace and prosperity that was first inspired by the late President Kim Dae-jung and the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has since then led to a series of inter-Korean joint declarations, including the October 4 Summit Declaration of 2007, and the April 27 Panmunjom Declaration and the September 19 Pyongyang Declaration of 2018. The touching scene where President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un conversed while strolling together on the Foot Bridge of Panmunjom during the summit actually began with twenty years ago today when late President Kim Dae-jung and late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held each other’s hands at Pyongyang Sunan International Airport. The only solution to address stalemated inter-Korean relations lies in mutual trust and patience. The government should send a clear message to Pyongyang that Seoul will make every effort to keep its word. Pledges made under the Panmunjom Declaration and Pyongyang Joint Declaration of 2018 should be implemented, if possible, and the National Assembly should help the government implement them. For its part, North Korea also needs to willingly understand differences in the political systems of the North and South and trust in the strong will of the Moon Jae-in government as well as the DPK to fulfil pledges promised under the joint declarations. Pyongyang’s criticizing and threating military action toward Seoul is not in line with the wishes of the two late leaders of the two Koreas, Kim Dae-jung and Kim Jong-il to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula. As having been a member of the delegation to Pyeongyang during the period of the June 15 inter-Korean joint declaration, I will also faithfully do my part, following the two leaders’ wishes. 

한반도, 화해와 협력의 땅으로 나아가길


일시 : 2020615() 오전 9

장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실

이해찬 당대표


오늘은 역사적인 6.15남북공동선언 20주년을 맞이하는 날이다. 6.15선언은 대결과 갈등의 마지막 냉전지역이었던 한반도가 평화 번영을 향한 화해와 협력의 땅으로 나아가도록 물꼬를 튼 민족사적이고 세계사적인 의의를 가진 선언이었다. 2000615김대중 대통령과 김정일 국방위원장이 주춧돌을 놓은 한반도 평화번영의 정신은 200710.4정상선언과 20184.27판문점선언, 9.19평양공동선언으로 이어졌다. 우리에게 큰 감동을 주었던 판문점 도보다리 대화는 바로 순안공항에서 김대중·김정일 두 정상이 맞잡은 손에서 시작된 것이다. 남북관계를 풀어가는 해법은 오직 신뢰와 인내에 있다. 우리 정부는 북한에 우리가 최선을 다해 약속을 지킨다는 것을 보여주어야 한다. 판문점선언과 평양공동선언 중 가능한 것은 적극적으로 이행되어야 하며 국회는 이를 뒷받침해야 할 것이다. 북한 역시 남북 간 정치체제의 차이를 이해하고 문재인정부와 민주당의 의지를 믿어야 한다. 대남 비난과 군사행동은 결코 20년 전 김대중·김정일 두 정상의 뜻에 맞지 않다. 저 역시 6·15대표단의 일원으로서 두 정상의 뜻을 이어받아 제가 할 일을 충실히 이행할 것을 약속드린다.



더불어민주당 국제국