[248th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 241st Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 136
  • 게시일 : 2020-05-13 10:19:01

[Excerpt from the 241st Supreme Council Meeting]


“Carelessness is our greatest enemy.

We are all required to strictly follow self-quarantine rules.”



May 11, 2020 (Mon.)

Venue: Conference Room of the Chairman at the Main Building

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK



With multiple cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus newly confirmed in entertainment facilities over the last long weekend, those who have so far devoted themselves to fighting off the outbreak including quarantine officials and medical workers as well as many Koreans who have been strictly following social distancing rules must feel discouraged. I sincerely ask those who have visited related entertainment venues and their friends and acquaintance to immediately come to testing facilities. The government will ensure that their personal information will be thoroughly protected; if they fail to voluntarily show up to have diagnostic tests for the coronavirus, officials will chase down them to the end to get them tested. Once again, I would like to ask ordinary Koreans to try hard to follow self-quarantine rules not to risk the well-being of our neighbors due to our selfish pursuit of pleasure. The government and the ruling DPK will check the current conditions of high-risk groups and facilities and stringently implement more proactive and preemptive quarantine measures that may seem excessive.


The Democratic Party of Korea and the Together Citizen’s Party, as promised to the general public, will complete the process of merging the two parties by the end of this week. Last week all party members went to the vote on the issue and of whom 84.1 percent voted for the merger. Tomorrow the DPK will hold a third central committee to decide the merger between the two and designate the Supreme Council as a body in charge of the process. The day after tomorrow members of the Supreme Council of the DPK and the TCP will hold a joint meeting of competent officials from the two parties to complete the process.




코로나19 방심은 금물, 자기방역에 힘쓰길


일시 : 2020511() 오전 930

장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실

이해찬 대표 


지난 연휴 동안 집단유흥시설에서 신규 확진자가 다수 발생했기 때문에 그간 밤낮없이 헌신했던 방역의료관계자들과 자가 방역거리두기를 실천해온 많은 국민들이 허탈해할 것이다. 관련 유흥시설을 이용하신 분들과 관련 지인들은 지금이라도 검사장에 와주시길 바란다. 정부는 개인정보를 강력히 준수할 것이며 만일 자진해서 오지 않는다면 반드시 찾아갈 수밖에 없다. 국민들께서는 나의 즐거움이 이웃에게 위험이 되지 않도록 더욱 자기방역에 힘써주시길 바란다. 당정은 감염 고위험군과 시설의 감염사항을 다시 한 번 점검하고 앞으로 과하다싶을 정도로 선제적인 대응을 해나가겠다.  


더불어민주당과 더불어시민당은 국민께 약속한대로 이번 주에 양당 통합을 완료하도록 하겠다. 지난주 민주당원들은 전당원투표에서 84.1%의 압도적 찬성으로 양당의 합당을 지지해주셨다. 민주당은 내일 3차 중앙위원회의를 개최해 더불어시민당과 합당을 결의하고 수임기관으로 최고위원회를 지정할 예정이다. 모레 더불어민주당과 더불어시민당의 최고위원들이 합당 수임기구 합동회의를 열어 양당 합당을 마무리하겠다.




더불어민주당 국제국