[244th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 234th Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 111
  • 게시일 : 2020-04-24 09:20:36

“The United Future Party’s pledge of emergency funds differs

before and after the general elections.”




April 22, 2020 (Wed.)

Venue: Conference Room of the Chairman at the Main Building

Lee In-young, Floor Leader of the DPK


Whether the pledge of providing disaster relief funds for all Koreans which the United Future Party has made by the party’s leader and chairperson of its election campaign committee during the run-up to the general elections will be followed through is now unclear. The chairman of the National Assembly’s Budget Settlement Committee Kim Jae-won has held fast to the provision of emergency disaster relief funds to 70 percent of its citizens, who is the only UFP lawmaker to make such a case. I am not sure whether Kim’s assertion is just his personal opinion or echoes the UFP’s view. Conflicting information is now coming from the media. So the UFP is encouraged to clarify the party’s ultimate position over the issue.


The timing and speed of the provision of the disaster relief funding, as stressed on many occasions, is of paramount importance. As soon as the UFP’s official stance is identified, the ruling DPK will make its own position known. If the provision of relief funds to all Koreans is still valid, the National Assembly will immediately discuss the issue; we will fully engage in the process of persuading the government into the agreed provision of disaster support funds in full swing. If, on the other hand, the UFP shifted its official stance toward the idea of providing the support funds to 70 percent of the population, the ruling DPK would discuss the opposition party’s view and take our own stand accordingly. In this sense, I would like to call for the UFP to make known its official and ultimate stance on this issue.


After a while, the 5th emergency economic meeting will be held. I hope the meeting will find ways to intensively reinforce employment safety nets for small and medium-sized businesses and part-time laborers and securely fund businesses that retain its workforce amid the fallout from the COVId-19 outbreak. I expect that the meeting will serve as a venue to thoroughly discuss ways to come up with practical measures to support temporary employees and economically dependent workers and to create jobs for the youth. I promise that the ruling DPK will mobilize all its resources and direct them to overcome this ongoing national crisis.





선거 전후로 달라진 미래통합당의 재난지원금 공약



일시 : 2020422() 오전 930

장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실

이인영 원내대표


선거 때 당대표와 선거대책위원장이 약속했던 미래통합당의 전국민 재난지원금 공약의 행방이 오리무중이다. 김재원 예결위원장 혼자 연일 70% 지급을 주장하고 있는데, 개인의 주장인지, 미래통합당 전체 당론인지 언론을 통해 흘러나오는 얘기가 매우 혼란스럽다. 미래통합당의 당론이 무엇인지 최종적인 입장을 밝혀주시길 바란다.


누누이 강조한 것처럼 재난지원금 지급은 타이밍, 속도가 관건이고 생명이다. 미래통합당의 공식 입장이 분명히 확인 되는대로 우리당도 입장을 정리하겠다. 100% 지급 공약이 여전히 유효하다면 곧바로 국회 논의 절차에 착수하는 한편, 여야 합의에 대한 정부 설득과정에도 본격적으로 나서겠다. 반대로 70% 당론으로 미래통합당의 입장이 바뀌었다면, 민주당도 거기에 맞는 대응 검토 후 입장을 정하겠다. 미래통합당은 신속하고 분명한 공식입장을 발표해 줄 것을 요청한다.


잠시 뒤, ‘5차 비상경제회의가 열린다. 고용유지 기업에 대한 확실한 지원과 소상공인, 비정규직을 위한 고용안전망을 집중 보강할 수 있기를 바란다. 특히 고용안전망 밖에 있는 임시직과 특수고용직 노동자, 그리고 청년일자리에 대한 현실적인 대책도 마련될 수 있기를 바란다. 선거로 분산됐던 당력까지 남김없이 국난 극복에 투입하여 총력지원에 나서겠다.





더불어민주당 국제국