[220th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 201th Supreme Council Meeting
[Excerpt from the 201st Supreme Council Meeting]
“Nomination screening for general elections will be carried out transparently and objectively.”
□ January 15, 2020 (Wed.)
■ Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK
It has been widely considered that the 20th National Assembly was the least effective. In retrospect, however, some significant progress happened during the 20th National Assembly. The former president was impeached between 2016 and 2017, electoral laws were amended, and bills designed to establish an independent body to probe corrupt high-ranking officials and rebalance investigative powers between the prosecution and police were passed by the end of last year. The National Assembly played an instrumental role in creating a wide range of important institutions.
Prosecution reforms have begun in full swing. In addition, the passage of the revised electoral law has lowered the minimum voting age to 18 years old. As a result of introducing a mixed-member proportional representation system, diverse political parties will be given the opportunity to enter the National Assembly, which will allow for the National Assembly to conduct pluralist politics. Issues that involve determination of electoral districts and supplemental electoral laws that have been called for by the National Election Commission need to be addressed as soon as possible in order not to cause confusion in the upcoming elections. There are bills still pending at the National Assembly, which include a special act on fine dust reductions and basic laws on the settlement of the past. We will make efforts to put to vote these bills during the plenary session of the National Assembly to be held in February.
The Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) will begin the nomination screening processes in earnest. Numerous talented candidates from diverse fields have joined the ruling DPK, which has been called a “rush of people joining the DPK.” The process of evaluating the qualifications of nominees will be carried out in a fair and transparent manner in line with the party’s constitution and regulations. In accordance with the party’s nomination rules, inter-party votes will be held in principle, and strategic nominations will be made only when there is compelling logic and grounds that can be accepted by voters and party members alike. We will make the utmost effort to conduct an objective and fair nomination screening.
“공천 심사 국면 진입...투명하고 객관적으로 이루어질 것”
□ 일시 : 2020년 1월 15일(수) 오전 9시 40분
□ 장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실
■ 이해찬 대표
20대 국회가 가장 일을 안 한 국회라는 평을 많이 받았지만 지나고 보면 20대 국회에서 국면이 완전히 바뀌었다. 2016년~17년도에 대통령 탄핵을 했고, 작년 말에는 선거법을 개정했고, 공수처법을 만들고, 검경수사권을 조정하는 법을 통과시켰다. 여러 가지 중요한 제도를 만드는데 있어, 20대 국회가 잘 처리했다.
검찰개혁이 본격적으로 시작되었다. 또 선거법이 통과해서 18세로 선거연령이 낮아졌고, 연동형비례제를 도입함으로서 다양한 정당이 국회에 진출할 수 있는 다원적인 정치가 이루어지는 좋은 계기가 만들어졌다. 선거구 획정과 선관위에서 요청한 선거법 보완 사안들이 있기 때문에 신속하게 논의를 해서 선거에 혼란이 없도록 해야 할 것이다. 미세먼지저감특별법, 과거사정리기본법 등 아직 통과되지 못한 법안들도 있다. 2월 국회를 열어 처리하도록 하겠다.
우리당은 본격적인 공천심사 국면에 진입하게 되었다. ‘민주당 입당러시’라고 할 만큼 다양한 분야의 폭넓은 인재들이 입당하고 있다. 민주당은 당헌당규에 따라 공정하고 투명한 공천을 할 것이다. 공천룰에 따라서 경선을 원칙 할 것이며, 국민과 당원들이 납득할 논리와 근거가 있을 때만 제한적으로 전략공천을 하도록 하겠다. 본격적인 공천 심사도 객관적이고 공정하게 이루어지도록 최대한 노력하겠다.
2020년 1월 16일
더불어민주당 국제국