[219th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 200th Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 124
  • 게시일 : 2020-01-14 15:16:20

[Excerpt from the 200th Supreme Council Meeting]


“Bills on the rearrangement of investigative rights between the Prosecution and the Police will be passed and the DPK will prepare for the upcoming elections in full swing.”


January 13, 2020 (Mon.)

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


Today, revisions to the Criminal Procedure Act and Prosecutors’ Office Act in relation to the re-balance of investigative powers between the prosecution and police, as well as the Kindergarten 3 Act, will be put to vote at the National Assembly. In addition, a bill to confirm the prime minister nominee should also be dealt with today. Once these bills are passed, preparation for the general elections will kick off in earnest.


There has been a news report that the main opposition LKP’s No. 1 election pledge is to eliminate the independent body to probe corruption by high-ranking government officials and give the prosecutor general the authority to appoint personnel. Is it appropriate to call a political party as such when the said party adopts the abolishment of an independent investigation body as its No. 1 election pledge? I hope such an allegation will turn out to be untrue.


The independent agency to investigate corrupt high-ranking officials begins operations this July. Prosecution Reform bills have finally been enacted for the first time in 23 years since the National Assembly began its discussions on the reform bills in 1996. I sincerely hope that the Prosecutors’ Office will be reborn as a prosecution in service of the people, in name and reality, by succeeding in reforming both the legal administration and its internal system.




검경수사권 조정 및 3법 처리할 것.. 이후 선거 체제 본격 돌입


일시 : 2020113() 오전 930

장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실

이해찬 대표


오늘 검경 수사권 조정과 관련한 형사소송법개정안과 검찰청법개정안, 그리고 유치원3법까지 처리할 예정이다. , 국무총리인준안이 오늘까지 처리되어야 한다. 오늘 이 법들이 다 처리되면 선거를 본격적으로 준비하는 다음 단계로 들어가게 될 것이다.


자유한국당의 총선 1호 공약이 공수처 폐지와 검찰총장에 인사권을 부여하는 것이라는 보도가 있었다. 공수처 폐지 법안을 공약1호로 제시하는 당이 공당이라 할 수 있겠는가? 사실이 아니길 바란다.


올해 7월이면 공수처가 정식으로 출범하게 된다. 1996년 처음 논의된 이래 23년 만에 검찰개혁 입법이 완료되는 것이다. 이후 법무행정과 검찰내부 개혁까지 완료해 명실상부한 국민의 검찰, 정의로운 검찰로 다시 태어나길 기대한다.





더불어민주당 국제국