[208th Newsletter] Excerpt from On-site Supreme Council on Advancement of High-tech Industry

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 120
  • 게시일 : 2019-11-28 14:48:53

[Excerpt from On-site Supreme Council on Advancement of High-tech Industry]



□ November 27, 2019 (Mon.)

■ Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


Today, the on-site supreme council meeting is being held here at the Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, an affiliate of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, located in Jeongeup, North Jeolla Province, to find ways to support the advancement of Korea’s high-tech industry. The Moon Jae-in administration and the ruling DPK have long exerted more efforts to facilitate the prosperity of North Jeolla Province than ever before. A revised bill on carbon materials that is designed to back up the carbon industry, of which development in North Jeolla Province has been long pursued, has been pending in the National Assembly. The delay for the bill was caused by differences among political parties and opposition from the government. After long discussions, however, the government and the ruling DPK reached an agreement. We will make the utmost effort to pass the pending bill through the National Assembly by seeking an agreement with the opposition parties at the regular session of the National Assembly, if possible, or at the provisional session that is scheduled in December.


Today’s visit to the Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, the only research institute specializing in radiation in Korea, is to find win-win strategies for the nation’s economy as well as that of North Jeolla Province, a fact which I would like to emphasize once again. Despite its short history, the Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, which will celebrate its 15th anniversary next year, has acted as an outpost of the radiation technology industry in Korea. North Jeolla Province is emerging as a high-tech industrial hub, taking a leading role in biotechnology, safety evaluation, and the carbon industry. In Jeongeup alone, there are three state-run research institutes, including the Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, and the city and its environs have been designated as an advanced scientific technology industrial complex & research and development special zone. Heavy investment into the agricultural biotechnology industry has paid off in the form of the creation of the National Food Cluster, the first of its kind in North East Asia. The government and the ruling DPK will focus every possible support for the continued development of the industry.





□ 일시 : 2019년 11월 27(수) 오전 10시 40분

□ 장소 한국원자력연구원 첨단방사선연구소 국제협력관 2층 대회의장

■ 이해찬 대표


오늘 현장최고위원회의는 전북의 첨단 산업 발전을 뒷받침하고자 정읍의 ‘한국원자력연구원 첨단방사선연구소’에서 개최하게 되었다. 문재인 정부와 민주당은 전북 발전을 위해서 그동안 어느 때보다 더 많은 노력을 기울여왔다. 특히 전북이 강력하게 추진하고 있는 탄소 산업을 뒷받침할 탄소소재법 개정안이 그동안 빨리 처리되지 않았었는데 정당 간 견해가 다르고 정부가 전라북도에 다른 연구소와 중복된다고 해서 반대를 해 왔었는데 당정협의를 해서 합의가 됐다. 가능한 빨리 이번 정기국회에서, 아니면 12월에 열리는 임시국회에서 여야 간 합의를 해서 반드시 통과시키도록 하겠다. 


오늘 국내 유일의 방사선 전문 연구기관인 첨단방사선연구소를 온 것도 국가와 전북 경제의 상생을 위한 것이라는 점을 다시 한 번 강조해 말씀드린다. 내년이면 설립 15주년을 맞는 방사선연구소는 짧은 역사에도 불구하고 우리나라 방사선 기술 산업의 전초기지로 큰 역할을 해왔다. 이 밖에도 전북은 생명공학, 안전성 평가, 탄소 산업 등 첨단 과학 중심지로 떠오르고 있다. 정읍에만 방사선연구소를 포함해 국책연구소가 3개 자리하고 있으며, 주변은 첨단 과학 산업 단지 연구 개발 특구로 지정되어 있다. 농생명산업의 발전에도 동북아 최초의 국가식품 클러스터를 조성하는 등 많은 투자가 있었는데 앞으로도 집중 지원하도록 하겠다.



2019년 11월 28


더불어민주당 국제국