[203rd Newsletter] Excerpt from the 174th Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 111
  • 게시일 : 2019-11-12 15:55:26

[Excerpt from the 174th Supreme Council Meeting]


“The President Held a Dinner with Leaders of the Five Major Political Parties, 

Proposing the Restoration of the Tripartite Standing Consultative Body”


November 11, 2019 (Mon.)

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


President Moon Jae-in invited the leaders of the five major political parties to a Blue House dinner on November 10. During the meeting, the president and the party leaders exchanged opinions on a wide range of issues including politics, diplomacy, economy, reunification, and labor. Among others, the President suggested that the tripartite standing council of ruling and opposition parties and the administration, be revived to discuss pending issues, which the leaders responded to positively. In addition, President Moon also stressed the need for the National Assembly to resolve the issue of electoral reform bills which have been at the center of party conflicts.


In addition, the president told the leaders: “Particularly regarding Japan’s economic aggressions and the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA), a military information sharing pact with Japan, we need to deal with such issues in a bipartisan manner.” He also expressed hope that the labor sector will accept the extension of the maximum unit of flexible working hours to six months. President Moon also suggested that such a meeting as the Sunday dinner be held on a quarterly base. He told the leaders that he would like to meet party leaders and floor leaders of the ruling and opposition parties, regardless of the parliamentary consultation body of the ruling and opposition parties and the administration, to freely discuss pending issues.


The Liberty Korea Party has demanded 14.5 trillion won be cut from the 2020 budget proposal, which is an ill-conceived idea that would ruin the entire budget plan. It is unreasonable to reduce the budget that is directly related to the livelihoods of ordinary people, including community-based livelihood social overhead capital projects, scholarships for children from the lower-income families, local job creation projects, and funds to stabilize the job market. The LKP also wants to reduce the budget for the security alliance and the development of food items for the future, which I believe shows that the main opposition party has the intention of prevent the government from running the nation properly. I question whether the LKP is even a South Korean political party.






 “대통령과 여야5당 대표 만찬...여야정상설협의체 복원 제안


일시 : 20191111() 오전 930

장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실

이해찬 대표


어제 대통령과 여야 5당 대표의 청와대 만찬이 있었다. 정치, 경제, 외교, 통일, 노동 등 다양한 분야에 관한 폭넓은 대화가 있었고, 대통령께서 여야정상설협의체를 복원하여 현안을 논의하자고 제안하셨다. 야당 대표들도 긍정적으로 호응했다. 그리고 대통령께서는 국회가 선거법 개혁을 협의해 처리했으면 좋겠다는 말씀을 강조했다.


또한 일본의 경제침탈과 지소미아 문제는 초당적으로 협력할 필요가 있다”, “탄력근로제 6개월 연장은 노동계도 수용해 줘야하지 않느냐는 말씀도 있었다. 그리고 이런 모임을 분기별로 한번 정도 하는 것이 좋겠다고 말씀하셨으며, 국회 내 여야정협의체와 달리 대통령과 만나는 여야정협의체는 교섭단체와 관계없이 각 당 대표나 원내대표가 함께 만나서 논의하는 것이 좋겠다고 하셨다.

자유한국당이 예산안에서 145천억 삭감을 주장하고 있다. 이는 내년 예산 전체를 망가뜨리겠다는 잘못된 자세다. 민생에 직결되는 예산인 생활SOC추진단, 저소득층 장학사업, 지역일자리사업, 내일채움공제, 일자리안정자금 등 이런 예산들을 깎겠다고 하는 것은 비합리적인 주장이며, 안보 동맹에 필요한 예산, 미래먹거리 확보에 필요한 예산 등을 깎겠다는 것은 나라살림을 제대로 운영 못하게 하겠다는 태도라고 볼 수밖에 없다. 자유한국당은 어느 나라 정당인지 의심하지 않을 수 없다.





더불어민주당 국제국