[195th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 154th Supreme Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 102
  • 게시일 : 2019-09-24 16:35:06

[Excerpt from the 154th Supreme Council Meeting]


“Prosecutors’ investigation into allegations surrounding Justice Minster Cho’s family should not be exploited as a means to interfere with prosecution reforms”


September 23, 2019

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


President Moon Jae-in is scheduled to have his ninth summit talks with President Donald Trump of the United States on September 23, and then the day after tomorrow deliver a keynote speech at the U.N. General Assembly. The possibility of adopting a new approach has been raised prior to working-level negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang. South Korea is required to play a crucial role in revitalizing the once-stalled peace process on the Korean peninsula. As mutually dependent allies the South Korean and U.S. governments are expected to discuss ways to cooperatively address a wide range of pressing issues facing the two countries.

One month has passed since the prosecution launched its probe into allegations involving Justice Minister Cho Kuk’s family. The Prosecutor’s Office officially began its probe by enforcing a search and seizure on the minister’s residence on August 27. To my knowledge, there is a large-scale investigation now underway. However, prosecutors have so far failed to find any telltale evidence to support the allegations. I hope the prosecution’s investigation into the minister and his family is intended to discover the truth, rather than to disrupt prosecution reforms. Likewise, the media needs to think about what is the real truth among the flood of news articles they have generated so far.

As the period during which the so-called Kindergarten 3 Act, a bill on the fast-track, is allowed to remain pending in the judiciary committee expired today, the bill is expected to automatically be referred to the plenary session tomorrow. Given that enhancement of operational publicness in kindergartens is supported by most Koreans, it is an order of the people. I am sincerely urging the main opposition Liberty Korea Party to stop its political stand-off and return to the National Assembly, and deliberate upon the bill.





 “조국 장관 가족 수사.. 검찰개혁 막기위한 수사되지 않기를


일시 : 2019 9 23 () 오전 9 30

장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실


이해찬 대표


문재인 대통령은 트럼프 대통령과 아홉 번째 한미정상회담을 23일에 할 예정이고, 모레는 유엔총회에서 기조연설을 할 예정이다. 북미 비핵화 실무협상을 앞두고 새로운 접근 가능성이 제기되고 있다. 우리의 역할이 매우 중요한 시기다. 다양한 한미 간 현안들을 신뢰하는 상호 동맹자로서 협력 방안을 논의할 것을 기대한다 .


지난 8 27 일 압수수색으로 공식 시작한 검찰의 조국 장관 가족 관련 수사가 한 달째 진행되고 있다. 대규모 수사가 진행되고 있는데, 현재까지 확실하게 진실이 밝혀지는 것은 별로 없는 것 같다. 검찰개혁을 막기 위한 총력수사가 아니라 진실 밝히기 수사 가 되길 바란다. 언론들도 많은 기사 중 진실이 얼마나 있는지를 되돌아봤으면 좋겠다 .


패스트트랙 안건 법안인 유치원 3 의 법사위 계류기간이 오늘로 만료되어 내일 본회의에 자동으로 부의될 예정이다. 유치원 공공성 강화는 대부분 국민들이 찬성하는 국민의 명령이다. 자유한국당은 태업정치를 그만두고 논의에 응해주길 바란다 .





더불어민주당 국제국