[190th Newsletter] Excerpt from the144th Executive Council Meeting
[Excerpt from the 144th Executive Council Meeting]
“Despite Standstill, the 20th National Assembly Must Be
Brought to a Successful Conclusion”
□ September 2, 2019 (Mon.)
□ Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK
The National Assembly has not served its proper function throughout the year, currently handling only 30.5 percent of proposed legislations. As such, the 20th National Assembly has been labeled the worst in the history of South Korea. I hope that the last regular session of the 20th National Assembly will end with tangible results. The ruling Democratic Party of Korea is planning to invest all our resources to pass bills directly related to the livelihoods of the general public, including the Labor Standards Act, Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises, and Big Data Act. The ruling DPK will act responsibly in examining next year’s budget, which is required for the nation to overcome dire economic challenges and evolve into an inclusive nation. I am now making an earnest request that the lawmakers of the ruling and opposition parties should stop partisan politics and turn their attention to making the livelihoods of the people the priority.
Although the Japanese government has continued its economic provocation against South Korea for the last two months, Korean businesses and industries seem to be handling this difficult time well by doing their best. In addition, although the “Victory Korea Fund,” an equity fund product designed to support domestic firms, has become popular in a very short period of time, it is said that the fund has already attracted more than 4 billion won. I hope more domestic investors will join the fund. Next year’s budget allocates 24 trillion won for research and development projects. The ruling DPK will put forth our utmost efforts to contribute to the passage of budget bills and other legislation, as well as institutional improvements during the last regular session of the 20th National Assembly. By doing so, the nation will be able to overcome Japan’s economic aggression, turn this difficult time into an opportunity by carrying out radical structural reforms of the Korean industries, and in turn make a new leap forward.
“국회파행 계속...20대 국회 유종의 미 거두어야”
□ 일시 : 2019년 9월 2일(월) 오전 9시 30분
□ 장소 : 국회 본청 당대표회의실
■ 이해찬 대표
올해 국회 파행이 연속돼서 현재 법안처리율이 30.5%에 불과해 역대 최악의 국회라는 오명을 받고 있다. 이번 정기국회는 20대 국회의 성과를 수확하는 국회가 되길 바란다. 민주당은 근로기준법, 소상공인기본법, 빅데이터3법 등 민생경제법안에 힘을 쏟을 것이며 엄중한 경제상황을 극복하고 포용국가로 나아가기 위한 내년도 예산심사에 책임을 지고 임하겠다. 20대 국회가 유종의 미를 거둘 수 있도록 이번만큼은 정쟁이 아닌 민생을 위해 나서줄 것을 간곡하게 부탁드린다.
일본의 경제도발이 두 달째가 되었는데, 지금 기업들, 산업 일선에서 열심히 노력해서 잘 이겨나가고 있는 것 같다. 또 필승코리아 펀드 열풍이 시작된 지 얼마 되지 않았는데, 400억 이상이 유치되었다고 한다. 많은 분들이 펀드에 참여해주시길 기대하겠다. 내년도 예산안에도 R&D예산이 24조 포함되어 있다. 예산안과 법안, 제도개선 등 이번 정기국회에서 최대한 노력해서 일본의 경제도발을 이겨내고 우리경제의 체질개선과 새로운 도약을 위한 전화위복의 계기를 만들도록 최선을 다해 노력하겠다.
2019년 9월 3일
더불어민주당 국제국