[186th Newsletter] Excerpt from the137th Executive Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 114
  • 게시일 : 2019-08-14 10:14:06

[Excerpt from the137th Executive Council Meeting]


“Japan changed its stance, but the Korean government needs to continue its efforts to secure industrial self-reliance and make strategic responses.”


August 12, 2019 (Mon.)

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


The Japanese government approved the first shipment of photoresists to South Korea last week since its decision of the imposition of export curbs. Japan’s recent move can be interpreted that it is fully aware of the growing criticism from the international community for such a radical measure against Seoul and fears that it may possibly lose the Korean market to which its high-tech materials can be exported. Taking this as an occasion, the Korean government needs to cultivate the independence of Korea’s parts and materials industry. Seoul’s heavy dependence on the imports of key materials used in its high tech industry has been regarded as a vulnerable spot.


The Korean government should double its efforts to localize key parts and materials and diversify its import routes. In line with the party’s move to establish a special committee on the development of equipment and human resources for the materials and parts industry, the ruling DPK will capitalize on a series of incidents regarding Japan’s trade restrictions against South Korea as an opportunity to innovate Korea’s manufacturing industry and strengthen its industrial competitiveness. It is wished that the government should continue its cool-headed and strategic responses to Japan’s trade measures. In addition, I hope that the Abe administration of Japan will realize that its radical moves have done more harm than good to our two countries as well as our two peoples.





 “노선 바꾼 일본.. 정부는 산업 자주성 확립과 전략적 대응 계속해야


일시 : 2019 812() 오전 9 30  

이해찬 대표


지난주에 일본이 포토레지스트의 한국 수출을 처음으로 허가했다. 이는 아베 정부의 극단적인 조치에 대한 국제 사회의 부정적인 여론과 한국 공급선을 뺏길 수 있다는 일본 내의 우려를 인식한 것으로 보인다. 우리는 이번 기회에 우리의 취약점인 부품·소재산업의 자주성을 확립하는 것이 매우 중요하다.

정부는 부품 국산화와 수입선 다변화를 흔들림 없이 계속 추진하고 당도 소재부품장비인력발전특위를 출범시킨 만큼 이번 일들을 제조업 혁신과 산업경쟁력 강화의 계기로 활용하도록 해야 되겠다. 정부는 냉철하고 전략적인 대응을 계속해주길 바라며, 아베 정부는 그동안의 섣부른 조치가 양국 경제와 양국 국민 모두에게 결코 이롭지 않다는 점을 각성해야 하겠다.





더불어민주당 국제국