[181st Newsletter]Excerpt from the 16th Extended Staff Conference

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 105
  • 게시일 : 2019-06-27 15:47:06


“A two-day vote will be held for all members

with current party membership,

thus expediting the transformation of the DPK into a platform party.”



June 26, 2019 (Wed.)

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


An agreement was reached to convene a plenary session in 80 days during which the National Assembly was shut down. The agreement was to no avail, however, after two hours due to the party politics of the Liberty Korea Party (LKP). If the main opposition party does not intend to ruin the National Assembly and deny the Moon Jae-in administration to run the government, then the LKP should return to the National Assembly without any conditions to fulfill their national duties.


Tomorrow President Moon is leaving for Japan to attend the 2019 G20 summit where he is scheduled to hold back-to-back meetings with the leaders of seven nations. Through these meetings, the President will ask the international community’s support for the on-going peace process on the Korean peninsula. U.S. President Donald Trump will visit Korea on June 29 and hold a summit with President Moon, which will be their eighth summit since President Moon took office. I hope that the Korean government will make every effort to take the scheduled South Korea-U.S. summit as an opportunity to make a breakthrough in negotiations regarding the denuclearization and establishment of a peace regime on the Korean peninsula.


Beginning from the day after tomorrow, a two-day vote will be held where all party members with active party membership will cast their votes to determine candidate nomination rules for the upcoming general elections. The scheduled voting that allows supporting party members to vote for the first time in Korea will become an exemplary case of building a transparent and fair candidate nomination system. The vote will also provide an opportunity for the DPK to become a true platform political party that incorporates online as well as offline activities. Since the validity of the vote requires more than 20 percent of supporting party members, we should make the utmost effort to encourage more supporting party members to cast their ballots.





 이틀간 전당원투표제 실시, 플랫폼정당으로의 실현이 눈앞에!”



일시 : 2019626() 오전 930

이해찬 당 대표


국회 공전 80일 만에 일궈낸 합의가 자유한국당의 당리당략 때문에 두 시간도 되지 않아 물거품이 되었다. 자유한국당이 국회를 파탄내고 문재인 정부의 국정운영을 부정할 생각이 아니라면 조건 없이 국회에 복귀해서 본연의 책임을 다해야 할 것이다.


내일 대통령께서는 일본에서 열리는 G20정상회의 참석차 출국을 하여 7개국 정상들과 연쇄회담을 갖고 국제적 지지를 확보할 예정이다. 트럼프 대통령은 29일에 방한하여 문재인 대통령과 8번째 정상회담을 개최하게 된다. 정부는 이번 회담이 한반도 비핵화 협상과 평화 체제 구축 논의에 중대한 돌파구가 되도록 노력해주시기 바란다.


모레부터 이틀간 총선 공천룰 확정을 위한 전당원투표제가 진행된다. 이번 투표는 한국 정당 역사상 처음으로 권리당원이 직접 참여함으로써 투명하고 공정한 공천시스템을 구축하는 모범적인 사례가 될 것이다. , 온오프라인이 결합된 플랫폼정당으로 발돋움하는 계기가 될 것이다. 권리당원 20% 이상이 참여해야 투표가 유효한 만큼 많은 권리당원들이 참여할 수 있도록 홍보, 독려하는 데에 집중해주시기를 바란다.





더불어민주당 국제국