[176th Newsletter] Excerpt from Consultative Meeting of the Government and Ruling Party Officials

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 154
  • 게시일 : 2019-06-12 10:43:49

Excerpt from Consultative Meeting of the Government and Ruling Party Officials


“The 32nd Anniversary of the June 10 Democracy Movement,

the Day Sovereignty of the People Prevailed”




June 10, 2019 (Mon.)

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


Today marks the 32nd anniversary of the June 10 Democracy Movement that took place in 1987. Thirty-two years ago today we Koreans stood up against the military-backed government of Chun Doo-hwan, taking to the streets calling for an amendment to the Constitution to have a direct presidential election and overthrow the dictatorship. The nationwide democracy movement eventually won direct presidential elections and democratization of Korea. The June Movement symbolizes the victory of the people’s sovereignty and restoration of democracy in the Republic of Korea, which in turn has contributed to the revival of direct presidential elections, establishment of the Constitutional Court, and the reinforcement of the function of the National Assembly, including the reinstatement of parliamentary inspections of the administration.


Forty-seven days have passed since the administration submitted an extra budget bill to the National Assembly; although the National Assembly Law stipulates a provisional parliamentary session must be convened in June, a third of the month has already passed due to failure in the normalization of the National Assembly. Both the additional budget bill and other pending bills should be passed as soon as possible in order to stabilize people’s livelihoods and revitalize the slowing economy. I am deeply sorry for disappointing the public. Chairman of the Liberty Korea Party Hwang Kyo-ahn aborted a meeting with President Moon; he is also said to refuse to attend a meeting of the leaders of the ruling and four opposition parties called “chowolhoe.” I am sincerely pleading with the leader of the LKP to return to the National Assembly as soon as possible.






확대 고위당정협의회 모두발언


 “6월 민주항쟁 32주년, 국민주권 승리의 그 날




이해찬 대표



오늘은 19876월 민주항쟁이 일어난 지 32주년이 되는 날이다. 19876월 우리 국민은 전두환 군사독재에 맞서 호헌철폐, 독재타도를 외쳤고 직선제 개헌과 민주화 조치를 쟁취해냈다. 6월 항쟁은 국민주권의 승리이자 대한민국 민주주의의 회복, 이를 통해 대통령 직선제가 부활되었고, 헌법재판소를 신설했으며, 국정감사도 부활되고 국회 기능이 강화되었다.


추경안이 제출된 지 47일이 흘렀고, 국회법에 명시된 6월 국회조차 열리지 못한 상태로 6월의 3분의 1이 지났다. 추경과 계류 법안 모두 민생 안정과 경제 활력을 위해서도 하루라도 빨리 처리해야 한다. 국민들에게도 죄송하기 그지없다. 황교안 대표는 대통령과의 회동도 무산시키고 여야 5당 대표가 참여하는 초월회도 불참한다고 한다. 빨리 일터로 복귀할 것을 부탁드린다.









더불어민주당 국제국