[164th Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 103
  • 게시일 : 2019-04-16 16:56:18

April, 2019. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting

U.S.-South Korea Summit Revitalizes Stalled Talks between Pyongyang and Washington”



Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of DPK



Over the weekend both Kim Jong-un, Chairman of the National Defense Commission of North Korea, and Donald Trump, U.S. President, sent positive signals for a third summit between Pyongyang and Washington. During the summit talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Trump said the U.S. is still open to a third summit with North Korea and expressed his support for Moon’s idea to push for another round of inter-Korean talks. Trump asked Moon to identify what Kim wants from his meeting with the North Korean leader and to let him know the outcome of the meeting as quickly as possible. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un openly expressed his willingness to meet with Trump again in a speech delivered at a Supreme People’s Meeting held on April 13. In response, Trump tweeted about a possible third round of talks with Kim, saying: “a third summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand.”


The seventh round of bilateral talks between Seoul and Washington can bring new life into the stalled dialogue between Pyongyang and Washington, which could bring a much needed breakthrough to move denuclearization negotiations forward following the breakdown of the second summit in Hanoi, Vietnam. Fortunately, in his latest talks with President Trump, President Moon assured that he shared the U.S. President’s view for a “comprehensive deal” and “phased implementation,” an approach put forth by Moon. I believe that a successful fourth inter-Korean summit could set the groundwork for the success of a potential third summit between North Korea and the U.S. Given that a possible third Pyongyang-Washington summit signifies that a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula is a feasible goal, our government must strive to open a new era of peaceful coexistence between the two Koreas. Surely, the DPK, the ruling party of South Korea, will put forth our utmost efforts towards peace. 





"한미정상회담, 북미회담의 새로운 활력될 것"


이해찬 대표


주말동안 김정은 북한 국무위원장과 트럼프 미국 대통령이 제 3 차 북미정상회담 개최에 긍정적인 입장을 주고받았다 . 한미정상회담에서 트럼프 대통령은 3 차 북미정상회담이 열릴 수 있다고 말했고 , 또한 남북정상회담 개최 계획을 지지하면서 한국이 파악하게 될 북한의 입장을 조속히 알려달라고 요청했다 . 12 일에는 북한 김정은 국무위원장이 최고인민회의 연설에서 북미정상회담을 한 번은 더 해볼 용의가 있다 고 밝혔다 . 13 일에는 미국 트럼프 대통령이 다시 트위터를 통해 서로 입장을 이해한다는 점에서 3 차 북미정상회담이 좋을 것이라는데 동의한다 라며 긍정적인 화답을 보냈다 .


7 차 한미정상회담이 동력이 되어 하노이 회담 이후 후속 조치 마련에 들어갔던 북미 대화에 새로운 활력이 생겼다 . 다행히 7 차 한미정상회담에서 우리 정부가 제시한 포괄적 합의 , 단계적 이행 에 대한 미국의 공감대를 확인할 수 있었다 . 4 차 남북정상회담의 성공이 제 3 차 북미회담 성공을 견인해 낼 것이다 . 3 차 북미정상회담의 가능성은 한반도 비핵화가 실현 가능한 목표임을 상징하는 만큼 평화공존의 새로운 한반도 시대를 열어가기 위해 우리 정부도 적극 노력해야할 것이다 . 민주당도 적극적으로 돕겠다 .




더불어민주당 국제국