[102nd Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 125
  • 게시일 : 2018-04-12 11:37:40

 April 11, 2018. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting


"It is a positive signal that North Korea-U.S. summit is being well-prepared...

We will actively support"

Party Chairperson Mi-Ae Choo


Following the inter-Korean summit, the schedule for North Korea-U.S. summit is also becoming more concrete. U.S. President Trump said he would "have a meeting with North Korea in May or in early June, and anticipate that both sides should be able to negotiate the nuclear issue with respect."

Chairman Kim Jong-un also formulated the first inter-Korean and North Korea-U.S. summit through a meeting of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. The fact that President Trump himself directly mentioned the timing and agenda, and that North Korea conveyed the message that it is willing to denuclearize to the United States are positive signs that the preparations for North Korea-U.S. summit are being conducted well.

Just as the inter-Korean summit that is to be held in 2 weeks is being calmly prepared, it is confirmed that the rumor that North Korea-U.S. summit will be delayed is dismissed, and that the progress of the summit is gaining momentum through contact and communication between the two nations.

If the North Korea-U.S. summit goes according to plan, there will be even more weight put upon the inter-Korean summit that is to be held soon. President Moon Jae-in maintains close ROK-U.S. cooperation in managing the situation where North Korea and U.S. are being contacted in the process of negotiating the inter-Korean and North Korea-U.S. summit at the same time.

Democratic Party will actively provide support so that the Moon Jae-in administration can bring a transitional accomplishment in the future of the Korean peninsula.




April 12th, 2018

International Affairs Bureau of Democratic Party of Korea(DPK)

 “북미정상회담 준비 잘 된다는 긍정적 신호…적극 뒷받침” 



추미애 대표


남북정상회담에 이어 북미정상회담 일정도 점차 구체화 되고 있다 . 트럼프 미국 대통령은 북미정상회담에 대해 “5 월 또는 6 월 초에 만나기로 했고 , 양측 모두 존경심을 갖고 북핵문제를 협상할 수 있기를 기대한다 고 밝혔다 .


김정은 위원장 역시 노동당 중앙위 정치국 회의를 통해 남북 , 북미정상회담을 처음으로 공식화했다 . 트럼프 대통령이 직접 시기와 의제를 언급하고 , 북한이 미국에 비핵화 의지를 전달한 것은 북미정상회담 준비가 잘 되고 있다는 긍정적 신호라 할 것이다 .


2 주 앞으로 다가온 남북정상회담이 차분히 준비되고 있듯이, 북미정상회담 또한 연기설을 일축하고 양국 간 접촉과 소통으로 회담 진행에 탄력을 받고 있음을 확인할 수 있다 .


이처럼 차질 없이 북미정상회담이 진행된다면 앞서 이루어질 남북정상회담에도 더 큰 힘이 실릴 것이다 . 문재인 대통령은 남북 , 북미대화가 동시에 이루어지는 과정 속에 북미 접촉 상황을 잘 관리하며 긴밀한 한미 공조를 이어가고 있다 .


더불어민주당은 문재인 정부가 한반도 미래에 전환기적 성과를 낼 수 있도록 적극 뒷받침해 나갈 것이다 .


2018년 4월 12일