[Remarks] We Now Know China’s Illegal Boats’ Violence’s Real Name. Pirate. Two track countermeasures

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 138
  • 게시일 : 2016-10-10 10:41:47

We Now Know China’s Illegal Boats’ Violence’s Real Name. Pirate. Two track countermeasures are a must.


Last Friday, unauthorized Chinese fishing boat repeatedly rammed Korea Coast Guard’s 4.5-ton speed boat and sank it into our West Sea exclusive economic zone.


Only the willfully blind would be shocked by Chinese maritime violence considering that the violent resistance by China’s illegal boats occurred quite often in the past; however, the severity of the violence and unfathomable attack this time which included the sinking of our patrol boat - a government property-, the intentional collision and endangering the lives of men and women serving in the Coast Guard have taken this incident to the next level.


This is not a simple act of maritime violence, this is piracy. And what we have to realize is that Piracy is challenging our legitimate exercise of maritime sovereignty, assaulting our country’s dignity and bruising our people’s pride.


It is absurd that the Ministry of Public Safety and Security has tried to cover up not letting people know on the matter regarding China’s act of piracy which occurred last Friday. When President Park disbanded Korea Coast Guard with no well-planned substitute, and subsequently put them under the control of the Ministry of Public Safety as degradation, it was predictable that Korea Coast Guard would be demoralized.


Park’s administration should not take any lenient approach for Chinese fishers’ piracy that is equivalent to “attempted homicide”. Tougher measures, stronger disciplines, robust stand, practical actions are absolutely necessary, and these need to be pursued in two tracks.


For short-term countermeasures, collaboration between the navy and Korea Coast Guard is indispensable. Additionally, pursuant to the international laws, armed repression against pirate is permitted. For long-term countermeasures, Park’s administration must exercise all diplomatic efforts to put an end to this fed-up violent practice by illegal Chinese fishing boats, and reinforce Korea Coast Guard’s equipment and manpower at any cost.


October 10, 2016

Democratic Party of Korea (DPK)

불법 중국어선의 폭력 행위의 진짜 이름을 이제 알게 되었다해적 트랙 대책으로 접근해야.


지난 7 서해 배타적 경제수역에서 불법 조업 중이던 중국어선들이 단속 중이던 해경의 4.5톤급 고속단정을 연속으로 들이받아 침몰시켰다.


과거에 빈번하게 일어났던 불법 중국 어선들의 폭력 사태를 생각해  이번 사건이 전혀 놀라울 일은 아니지만우리 국유 재산인 경비정을 가라 앉혀 버리고또한 고의적으로 들이받고해경 대원들의 목숨까지 위협한 이번 폭력 사태의 심각성과 그들의 이해할  없는 공격은 이번 사건을  다른 레벨에서 대처해야 함을 말해준다.


이번 사건은 단순한 해상 폭력 사태가 아니다이것은 해적행위이다우리의 해양 주권을 침범하고국격을 모욕하고우리의 자존심을 멍들게  해적행위이다.


국가 안전처가 지난 7 중국의 해적행위를 은폐하고 우리 국민에게 알리지 않은점은 이해가 가지 않는다박대통령이  계획된  다른 대처 시스템 없이 해경을 해체 하고국민 안전처의 컨트롤 아래로 격하시켰을 해경의 사기가 바닥에 떨어질 것이라는 것은 너무나  예견할  있었던 바이다.


박근혜 정부는 이번 중국의 살인 미수에 준하는 해적행위에 대해 어떠한 관용적인 접근도 해서는  된다강력한 대응강한 입장과 실질적인 조치를 가지고 2 트랙으로 접근하는 것이 필요하다.


단기적 대응으로는 해군과 해경 사이의 협업이 필요하다또한국제법에 따르면 해적행위에 대해서는 무력 진압이 허용된다장기적 대책으로는  지긋지긋한 불법 중국어선의 행위를 끝낼  있는 모든 외교적 노력과 더불어 해경의 장비와 인력을 반드시 강화 시키는 노력이 필요하다.


2016 10 10
